Cardiovascular disease affects millions of Americans and is the leading cause of death in the United States. Considering its widespread effect on the population, innovative treatments to help have the potential to make a remarkable impact.
High-dose ozone therapy can help with cardiovascular disease and is available at the Heim Regenerative Medicine Center. With extensive experience in high-dose ozone therapy for all types of patients, Dr. Heim can help you utilize this tool for benefits.
How Cardiovascular Disease Develops
The cardiovascular system, which includes the heart and blood vessels, is essential to the transport of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. By pumping blood from the heart to all areas of the body and back again, the cardiovascular system ensures that oxygen is delivered to every tissue in the body, including your brain.
Cardiovascular disease encompasses multiple conditions impacting the cardiovascular system, including heart disease, heart failure, heart attack, stroke, arrhythmia, and stenosis. These conditions can impact the delivery of oxygen to the heart, as well as the heart’s ability to pump blood and the oxygen within it throughout the body. When the flow of oxygen to the heart is reduced, it can lead to low oxygen levels throughout the body.
High-Dose Ozone Therapy
When ozone is introduced to the blood and tissues during ozone therapy, the oxygen levels in the body are quickly improved. This may help with cardiovascular disease by offsetting the reduced flow of oxygen to the heart. High-dose ozone therapy also provides improved circulation and immune health. Improved immune health may benefit cardiovascular disease by reducing inflammation, which is linked to blood vessel damage.
Dr. Heim performs high-dose ozone therapy using MAH or Major Auto Hemotherapy. During treatment, the patient’s blood is drawn, infused with a high concentration of ozone, and returned to the patient through an automated system via intravenous infusion. This provides notable results for patients within just one or two sessions.
Contact the Heim Regenerative Medicine Center for more information about high-dose ozone therapy and its impact on cardiovascular health.
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