IMRS PEMF Mat Therapy: Whole Body Wellness

PEMF Mat Therapy tampaInflammation, pain, injury, and illness can diminish your overall wellness. Oftentimes, spending too much time indoors can cause the body to miss out on the natural life-giving energy provided by the Earth. This can compromise the body’s ability to heal, regenerate, and recover. 

PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields) mat therapy with the iMRS Wellness System can naturally support the body’s ability to fend off chronic pain, inflammation, insomnia, and stress. We offer this cutting-edge technology at the Heim Regenerative Medicine Center, and it provides excellent results in supporting patients’ whole body wellness. 

How Does PEMF Mat Therapy Work?

PEMF mat therapy exposes the entire body to the magnetic and electric frequencies that the Earth produces. When the body is exposed to these frequencies, the cells resonate with them. This regulates the cells’ frequencies and stimulates cellular energy production to improve circulation, tissue healing, energy levels, and sleep quality. 

The FDA has approved this therapy for the treatment of bone fractures, tendonitis, and osteoarthritis. This treatment can help patients recover from these conditions by supporting tissue regeneration and boosting the overall wellness of the body.

The Benefits

PEMF mat therapy provides the following benefits:

  • Improve the recovery process after physical activity
  • Enhance circulation to deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues throughout the body
  • Speed up the healing process of injuries
  • Support the regeneration of muscles and bones
  • Lower stress levels
  • Higher energy levels

We use PEMF mat therapy with the iMRS system alone and in conjunction with other advanced treatments, such as red and near-infrared light therapy. The powerful healing benefits can help patients improve their overall health and wellness. If you’re interested in this regenerative treatment option, contact the Heim Regenerative Medicine Center to request an appointment.  

Author Info

Dr. Michael Heim

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