Combat Chronic Fatigue with IV Therapy

Chronic fatigue can be debilitating and is often misunderstood, making it difficult for many patients to get the care that they need. However, with the help of IV therapy, these patients can get the vitamins and nutrients that they need to fight off chronic fatigue and boost their energy levels.

What is Chronic Fatigue?

This is a complex disorder that causes extreme and prolonged fatigue that doesn’t improve with rest. People with chronic fatigue syndrome experience severe fatigue for six months or longer. While this may be triggered by various medical conditions, chronic fatigue syndrome can’t always be explained by an underlying condition. This often makes it difficult to diagnose and even more difficult to treat. Unfortunately, because it is not always a clear-cut diagnosis, many patients are ignored by their doctor or told it is, “just in their head.” 

IV Therapy for Chronic Fatigue

IV therapy can be used as an alternative treatment. In IV therapy, a concentrated dose of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other nutrients are delivered directly to a patient’s bloodstream. This method quickly and directly fills the body’s cells with the nutrients required for optimal health. One of the main benefits of IV therapy is improved energy levels, which can help patients combat chronic fatigue. For fatigue including chronic fatigue syndrome that isn’t responding to oral nutrients and other treatments, IV therapy can be particularly beneficial. 

Types of IV Therapy

  • Meyer’s Cocktail

The Meyer’s Cocktail is one of the most popular nutritional IV treatments. It delivers hydration along with high doses of vitamin C, B vitamins, and a selection of minerals. Vitamin C bolsters the immune system, while B vitamins support higher energy levels. This treatment generally takes 45 to 60 minutes to administer, but the Mini Meyer’s is available for those who want a need a quick boost. 

  • Glutathione Infusions

Glutathione is an antioxidant that’s naturally produced by the body. It offers protection against oxidative stress, which may play a role in chronic diseases. By helping the body flush out toxins and heavy metals, glutathione infusions strengthen the body’s immunity to bolster energy levels.

  • High-dose Vitamin C

High-dose Vitamin C IV treatment delivers a potent dose of vitamin C to shield the body from oxidative stress. This treatment helps strengthen the immune system so that the body can better fight off illness and disease. Improved immune health can offer relief from chronic fatigue. 

  • Immune Jump Start

The Immune Jump Start treatment is another option for those who can benefit from improved immune health for chronic fatigue. It combines B vitamins, glutathione, advanced cellular silver, magnesium, NAC, and glutamine to help the body fight infection and illness without constantly depleting your energy stores. 

  • Ozone

Ozone IV therapy offers powerful healing effects for many conditions. Ozone improves immune function and strengthens a range of bodily functions, which can provide powerful benefits for chronic fatigue. At the Heim Regenerative Medicine Center, we offer a variety of ozone IV treatments, including a combination of ozone, Meyer’s Cocktail, and glutathione. 

If you’re struggling with fatigue, schedule an appointment at our office to learn more about IV treatments that can help. 

Author Info

Dr. Michael Heim

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