Is Male Menopause Real?

While it’s a well-known fact that women undergo menopause in their later years, many people don’t realize that men go through a similar process. Called male menopause, or andropause, this process occurs when a man’s body gradually stops producing testosterone and other hormones which can significantly impact your quality of life.

Understanding Male Menopause

The aging process brings about significant hormonal changes for both men and women, with declining testosterone being the most notable shift for men. During male menopause, there’s a drop in testosterone production that continues throughout life. Typically, male menopause starts around the age of 40. 

It’s important to note that not all men experience male menopause. It’s often connected to hypogonadism, which is a condition that occurs when the testes don’t produce enough of vital hormones. 


Testosterone is the main sex hormone in men. It contributes to libido, muscle mass, bone mass, red blood cell production, and other bodily functions. So, when testosterone levels drop during male menopause, it can cause a variety of symptoms, including:

  • Low sex drive
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Poor concentration and focus
  • Increased body fat
  • Decreased muscle mass
  • Decreased bone mass
  • Exercise intolerance

Health Consequences

Recent studies have suggested that as testosterone levels decrease your risks of all causes of mortality increase meaning male patients with lower testosterone tend to die more frequently from all causes of death than those with higher levels. This was particularly true for cardiovascular disease such as heart attack and stroke, the most common cause of death in the US. Low T is a true medical issue that should be approached like any other health condition such as diabetes or high blood pressure. 

Treating With Bio-Identical Testosterone Replacement

Men who are struggling with symptoms of andropause should consider the benefits of bioidentical testosterone replacement therapy. This treatment uses natural hormones that are chemically identical to the natural hormones produced by the body. By restoring the body’s testosterone levels, this therapy safely and effectively reduces symptoms of male menopause.

Combined with other natural anti-aging treatments at the Heim Regenerative Medicine Center, testosterone replacement can help you can regain your quality of life after male menopause. Schedule an appointment today to learn more!


Author Info

Dr. Michael Heim

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